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We have several different terms and conditions depending on each service.
Review each of them depending on the service you require



WHAT DOES "TO SEND A TOP-UP" MEAN?"It means adding credit to any prepaid mobile phone network to make calls, send messages and use other services.
CAN I SEND MORE THAN ONE TOP-UP TO THE SAME NUMBER?Yes, you can! Please note that for authentication purposes, top-up restrictions may also apply for first time customers.
WHY CAN'T I MAKE ANOTHER TOP UP PURCHASE TODAY?All accounts have transaction limits for security reasons. Please try again in 24 hours. The limits should be automatically removed from your account by then. Unfortunately, we are unable to disclose information regarding specific account limits.
HOW DO I KNOW WHICH COUNTRIES ARE AVAILABLE?You can check if the country is available from the Top up box, clicking on SELECT COUNTRY. If the country is not available, do not worry as we are adding countries constantly.
HOW LONG BEFORE THE RECIPIENT'S MOBILE PHONE IS CREDITED?Immediately (Network Terms and Conditions apply).
WHAT IS THE "FAST TOP-UP" BUTTON?"This allows you to access your most recent orders and top up immediately one of your favourite numbers or you can have access to your address book.
WHAT DOES "MOBILE DATA" MEAN?"Mobile Data allows having access to the Internet on phone for using WhatsApp, Facebook, Twitter and other social media where you can chat for FREE! When you do your top-up check for Mobile Data Products (currently available for Nigeria)!
HOW CAN I VIEW MY TOP-UPS HISTORY?To review the top-ups you have purchased: Login to your account On the Account section, click History
HOW CAN I RESEND A TOP-UP?We keep a record of all transactions you have sent. If you want to make the same payment again, click on TOP UP AGAIN! in the Top-ups History section of your account.
HOW CAN I SEND TOP-UPS TO UK MOBILE NETWORKS?Enter the NUMBER Select the OPERATOR Select the AMOUNT Choose your PAYMENT METHOD You will receive an EMAIL WITH THE PIN to top-up your selected number or you can check in your Account section, clicking History Follow the instructions to redeem the PIN
WHAT CAN I DO IF I PURCHASE THE WRONG MOBILE NETWORK PIN NUMBER?Unfortunately it is not possible to cancel the order and request a refund.
HOW TO VERIFY YOUR ACCOUNT?In order to activate your account, please make sure you verify your email address before trying to login and execute the first top-up. If you have troubles with your account verification, please contact us
I'VE FORGOTTEN MY PASSWORD.To retrieve your password, please click here and follow the instructions.
HOW DO I CHANGE OR RESET MY PASSWORD?To change or reset your password: Login to your account On the Account section, click Edit Profile
I DID NOT RECEIVE MY ACTIVATION EMAIL.If you haven't received your activation email, please check your spam or junk email folders. If the email isn't in these folders, please contact us
HOW CAN I ADD CONTACTS TO MY ACCOUNT?If you have not added contacts to your account before: Login to your account On the Account section, click Address Book Click Add a Phone Number Add the contact name, enter the phone number in international format and select the mobile operator To top-up a number saved to your contacts: Login to your account On the Account section, click Address Book Click TOP UP NOW! next to your saved contact details
WHAT DOES "TOP UP YOUR WALLET" MEAN?"It means make a one-off payment into your OverSeas Wallet with PayPal and save time for your future top-ups. When you have money in your wallet, you send top-ups to anyone or even to your own mobile phones in seconds. Remember, you get a discount everytime you top up your wallet balance!
HOW CAN I TOP UP MY WALLETSign up or Login into your account Select WALLET in the Account section (it will be available after your first successful top-up) Choose the amount you want to add to your wallet: the more you add, the more you get FREE! Pay with PayPal: make one single payment and send plenty of top-ups!
I HAVE SIGNED UP, BUT I DON'T SEE MY WALLET YET."Don’t worry; your wallet will be available after your first successful top-up.
HOW CAN I CHANGE THE CURRENCY IN MY ACCOUNT?App: The currency of your account in our app is configured on initial login or when you first setup your account with us. To change your account currency, please contact our Customer Service team. Website: The OverseasTopUp website offers allows customers to transact using GBP, USD or EUR. This is selected based on your location when you use the website but can be manually amended for each transaction. For any assistance with currency selection, please contact our Customer Service team or speak to us via Live Chat.
I HAVE JUST MADE MY FIRST TOP UP PURCHASE ONLINE, HOW LONG DOES IT TAKE BEFORE THE RECIPIENT'S MOBILE PHONE IS CREDITED?"Your first top-up may take up to 24 hours to process while your details are verified on our systems.
I HAVE SENT THE CREDIT TO THE WRONG RECIPIENT BY MISTAKE; CAN THE PROCESS BE STOPPED OR CHANGED?The credit applies instantly; once a top-up has been sent it cannot be retracted / refunded. We always ask you to confirm your destination number. Please ensure you do it carefully.
IS THERE ANY REASON WHY I WOULD NOT BE ABLE TO DO AN ONLINE TOP-UP PURCHASE?There are some key reasons why you may not be able to do an online top-up purchase. For example, your credit/debit card has expired or there may not be enough funds available on your card to complete a transaction.
HOW CAN YOU PAY AND WHAT PAYMENT METHODS DO WE ACCEPT?Use any debit/credit card via Skrill secure payment gateway PayPal verified account paysafecard
IS THERE ANY DISCOUNT FOR AFFILIATE GROUPS OR BULK ORDERS?Yes! Please send your request clicking here.
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